Fundamental yet intuitive decisions

I have tried to keep the flows and decisions in the assignment very mathematical in a way that can be reproducible with the same methodologies introduced. The idea is to make it so robust that it can beat any other alternate decision tree, which makes it easier to align other team members as well.

Additionally, this also helps in exploring and listing all the possibilities which may be helpful in the future or have been missed by just intuitive thinking or the insights gathered from research.

Also, that doesn’t mean I have explained every decision in detail. There have been instances in the assignment where I have made decisions that were intuitive rather than fundamental, primarily because of the huge gap between the favorable and non-favorable decisions and prior alignment on certain decisions within the team. This was done to give an idea of how it can be done in real-life tasks as well, potentially saving time.

Methodologies today - processes tomorrow

Thanks to the above methodology, working on the assignment, especially the first part, required a lot of techniques and processes, which I have documented at every step.

This is to ensure alignment with the reader, keeping them in loop on which decisions were taken and why.

All of these methodologies would not be explained in such detail because they must have matured into a process followed by multiple tasks. (But they can be revised with new methods)

This saves a lot of time. An average task like this would have taken 5-6 hours vs 10-12 hours taken for the assignment.

Attention to detail, yet leaving the playground open

I have tried to map out most of the small details in the assignment, but have consciously left some decisions open and just put suggestions for some for the tech and design teams where either I felt they might be able to do it better or where it seemed like it is their territory that they enjoy thoroughly, and interfering to small decisions will not be ideal.


I have made a lot of assumptions to close the decision loops, but I have tried to be meticulous about mentioning all of them wherever applicable. Assumptions can be seen as missing data points or contexts rather than intuitive decisions in this assignment. A lot of my assumptions may be wrong as well, but my focus has been on the quality of decisions taken with those assumptions as a preset.